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Tanmoy Mukharjee
Apr 03, 2022
This obviously depends on your niche as some niches mailing list will be more susceptible to regular emails then others. If you aren't sending out emails too much but people are still unsubscribing then perhaps you are always sending "selling" emails. Does every email you send out just happen to have a product being suggested in there? Well regular people will know your game from early on and whilst people like buying they hate being sold too. So checking their email inbox everyday and hearing mailing list about new offers will really annoy them and hence they will unsubscribe. I can guarantee that if people are unsubscribing on a regular basis it's because you are either emailing or trying to sell too much. Cut it down and be more friendly to your list and they will stay with you. People like to get emails that are of value so try giving out things for free every mailing list now and then. With the world getting smaller everyday due to the existence of the Internet and its accessibility to a lot of the people worldwide, it is so amazing seeing how a person can send information to the rest of the world.
Tanmoy Mukharjee
Apr 02, 2022
Copyright (c) 2006 Ed Bagley Ed Bagley's Blog Publishes Original Articles with Analysis and Commentary on 5 Subjects: Sports, Movie Reviews, Lessons mailing list in Life, Jobs and Careers, and Internet Marketing. My intention is to inform, educate, delight and motivate you the reader. Find my Blog at: It's probably a too common phrase to hear on the internet marketing scene that "the money is in the list", but only to a certain Extent if you know how to manage it efficiently, and most importantly, giving the subscribers what they actually want - information, useful mailing list information. Not your constant set of recommendations of affiliate products. Having said that, you may have already guessed, that the main reason is nothing other than SELLING TOO MUCH with your list. I'm not in anyway calling myself an experienced list builder or an expert in the internet marketing field, but I'm saying this from a subscriber's perspective and point of view. I would say that I've subscribed to hundreds of lists out of interest of receiving mailing list more information closely related to the owner's products or just simply because that's the only way I could access an offer from the site.

Tanmoy Mukharjee

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