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Apr 11, 2022
The author of this article takes personal experience as an example to analyze some of the problems and solutions he encountered during the landing activities, hoping to bring you thinking. If you are an operational product manager who needs to deal with users and traffic, then you need to promote your product. Whether you want to increase product awareness, drive new activity, or make money, the easiest way to do it is to run a campaign. Next, what I want to tell you is: what pitfalls I encountered when I landed an event, and how to solve it. 1. Does your campaign address a “need” of your user base? First of all, you do an activity to achieve a purpose, but before this, you need to constantly ask yourself: why does your activity make job title email list people participate. As a non-own product with large traffic, a product that has not yet become a unicorn, there is no need for people to only pay attention to your product. So when your product needs to engage in activities, please do your best to ensure that your activities address the needs of users to some extent. In my case, the product is a paid 2B marketing tool, and its target group is small, medium and micro enterprises. Once, because the activity resource of giving away member time does not occupy our cost, I naively felt that the ROI of the "buy a few get a few free" activity was good. But the fact is slap in the face. Although there are enough marketing nodes every month, this does not mean that the frequency of use of marketing tools will be high. And the reason for this needs to go back to the user group. First of all, small, medium and micro enterprises generally pay little attention to their own brand image, which means that they will not pay too much attention to those non-critical festivals. Secondly, small, medium and micro enterprises are limited by their own size and are not willing to invest in marketing activities at every key node. Finally, the platform is a marketing tool. The marketing tool is very time-sensitive, and there are many competing products of this marketing tool, so the loyalty of users to the product is relatively low. Therefore, in our final review, we found that the user will not be attracted by "buy a few get a few free", because now he is a user of the tool and has solved his current problem (doing a marketing campaign at this node). "Buy a few get a few" is only to solve his future cost problem, so the user is not willing to take risks for the future. Therefore, in the next event, we will directly take the user's needs solution before or after using this tool as the content of the event, and the effect will be much better than before. 2. Don’t give users a choice As an instrumental marketing tool, there are many industries, such as retail, catering, education, hotel and so on. When you reach a large number of users, making a visit will become a very expensive thing. If you do not do screening at this time to visit directly, your return will be very low. Position your own activity advantages and think about whether your activity advantages have a better solution. If this type of user can easily come up with a better solution than yours, then my suggestion is to give up this type of user to improve efficiency. cost. For example, on one occasion, we specially created a cost-effective Moments advertising package for small, medium and micro-enterprise customers as a campaign (without advertising, it is lower than the market price anyway). Then, when customer service visits those customers, there are two types of customers who don't have a lot of interest in it. When these customers have no need for brand promotion, they just want to convert, and they want to divert traffic to the store. So when I communicate with those catering and hotel customers, they usually ask questions: Why don't I use the money to promote it on platforms such as Dianping and Ctrip, and do it for you?


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